Social Media Analytics

Semester: Spring
Pre-requisites: None
Syllabus PDF

This course is split into five main parts:

  1. Network Patterns, which describes and seeks to explain several common patterns found in real-world social networks,
  2. Branding and Community, which explores the best methods for maintaining a strong brand online and managing the user community,
  3. Importance and Influence, which discusses an individual's place in the network, and how memes, early adoption, and such cascades propagate,
  4. Advertising and Marketing, which focuses on viral marketing and social advertising techniques, and
  5. Advanced Analytics, which describes the latest methods for inferring user interests and recommending items to them, and related topics.


  • Networks, Crowds, and Markets, by Easley and Kleinberg
  • Networks: An Introduction, by Newman
Case studies will be available in an online coursepack. Slides will be made available on Canvas.

1 Group assignment 10%
1 Group assignment with presentation 20%
Group project with presentation 20%
Midterm 20%
Final exam 30%

Advanced Analytics Programming

Semester: Spring
Pre-requisites: MIS 304 (Intro to Programming)
Syllabus PDF

This course has five main parts:

  1. Introductory Python, where we learn the basic language syntax, and gain familiarity with general-purpose tools such as string manipulation,
  2. Pandas, which is a powerful data analysis toolkit (similar to R) that makes it easy to explore and visualize data,
  3. Classification, where we develop an understanding of how to make predictions,
  4. Clustering, where we learn how to discover the major groups or components of a given dataset, and
  5. Other Topics, including regression.

Books (all optional):

  • Think Python, by Downey (see here)
  • Python for Data Analysis, by McKinney
  • Applied Predictive Modeling, by Kuhn and Johnson
Slides will be made available on Canvas.

3 Group assignment 30%
Group project with presentation 20%
Midterm 20%
Final exam 30%

Data Analytics Programming

Semester: Summer
Pre-requisites: Basic Python programming
Syllabus PDF

This course is split into five main parts:

  1. Introductory Python, where we learn the basic language syntax, and gain familiarity with general-purpose tools such as string manipulation,
  2. Pandas, which is a powerful data analysis toolkit (similar to R) that makes it easy to explore and visualize data,
  3. Classification, where we develop an understanding of how to make predictions,
  4. Clustering, where we learn how to discover the major groups or components of a given dataset, and
  5. Other Topics, including regression and hypothesis testing.


  • Think Python, by Downey (see here)
  • Python for Data Analysis, by McKinney
Slides will be made available on Canvas.

3 Group assignments 45%
Group project with presentation 25%
Final exam 30%