MKT = scan("MKTindex.txt") Y = scan("AAPL.txt") Y = Y - mean(Y) M0 = lm(Y~MKT-1) ###### # Let's first run a dynamic regression using the # first order DLM # # Y_t = b_t X_t + eps_t # b_t = b_t-1 + w_t # We will use the closed-form solution with discount factor delta ##### T = length(Y) delta = 0.95 m = rep(1,T+1) C = rep(1,T+1) n = rep(5,T+1) d = rep((5*20),T+1) S = d[1]/n[1] for(i in 2:(T+1)){ R = C[i-1]/delta f = MKT[i-1]*m[i-1] Q = R*MKT[i-1]^2 + S e = Y[i-1] - f n[i] = n[i-1] + 1 d[i] = d[i-1] + S*(e^2)/Q A = MKT[i-1]*R/Q m[i] = m[i-1] + A*e S = d[i]/n[i] C[i] = R*S/Q } ts.plot(m,lwd=2,col=4,main="Posterior Mean (beta_t|D_t)") abline(h=M0$coef[1],col=2,lwd=2) ts.plot(d/n,lwd=2,col=4,main="Posterior summary (sigma|D_t)") abline(h=summary(M0)$sigma^2,col=2,lwd=2) ##### # Alternatively... # Y_t = b_t X_t + eps_t (sigma) # b_t = alpha + beta b_t-1 + w_t (omega) # We will use a MCMC ##### set.seed(1243) # Definition of FFBS function #------------------------------------------------------- # Univariate FFBS: # y(t) ~ N(alpha(t)+F(t)*theta(t);V(t)) # theta(t) ~ N(gamma+G*theta(t-1);W) #------------------------------------------------------- ffbsu = function(y,F,alpha,V,G,gamma,W,a1,R1,nd=1){ n = length(y) if (length(F)==1){F = rep(F,n)} if (length(alpha)==1){alpha = rep(alpha,n)} if (length(V)==1){V = rep(V,n)} a = rep(0,n) R = rep(0,n) m = rep(0,n) C = rep(0,n) B = rep(0,n-1) H = rep(0,n-1) # time t=1 a[1] = a1 R[1] = R1 f = alpha[1]+F[1]*a[1] Q = R[1]*F[1]**2+V[1] A = R[1]*F[1]/Q m[1] = a[1]+A*(y[1]-f) C[1] = R[1]-Q*A**2 # forward filtering for (t in 2:n){ a[t] = gamma + G*m[t-1] R[t] = C[t-1]*G**2 + W f = alpha[t]+F[t]*a[t] Q = R[t]*F[t]**2+V[t] A = R[t]*F[t]/Q m[t] = a[t]+A*(y[t]-f) C[t] = R[t]-Q*A**2 B[t-1] = C[t-1]*G/R[t] H[t-1] = sqrt(C[t-1]-R[t]*B[t-1]**2) } # backward sampling theta = matrix(0,nd,n) theta[,n] = rnorm(nd,m[n],sqrt(C[n])) for (t in (n-1):1) theta[,t] = rnorm(nd,m[t]+B[t]*(theta[,t+1]-a[t+1]),H[t]) if (nd==1){ theta[1,] } else{ theta } } # Function for the variances #------------------------------------------------------- # y = X + u u ~ N(0,sig2*I_n) # # sig2 ~ IG(v/2,v*lam/2) #------------------------------------------------------- fixedparSIG = function(y,X,v,lam){ n = length(y) par1 = (v+n)/2 par2 = v*lam + sum((y-X)^2) sig2 = 1/rgamma(1,par1,par2/2) return(sig2) } T = length(Y) v.sig = 5 lam.sig = 20 = 10 = 0.1^2 ## Initial values for DLM sigma2= 15 omega2= 0.1^2 M = 1000 BETAS = matrix(0,M,T) PARS = matrix(0,M,2) m0 = 1 C0 = 3 for(iter in 1:M){ aux = ffbsu(Y,MKT,0,sigma2,1,0,omega2,m0,C0) sigma2 = fixedparSIG(Y,aux*MKT,v.sig,lam.sig) omega2 = fixedparSIG(aux[2:T],aux[1:(T-1)],, BETAS[iter,] = aux PARS[iter,1] = sigma2; PARS[iter,2] = omega2; print(iter) } par(mfrow=c(2,2)) ts.plot(PARS[,1],col=2,lwd=1,ylab="Sigma2") hist(PARS[,1],prob=T,col=2,main="Sigma2") ts.plot(PARS[,2],col=4,lwd=1,ylab="Omega2") hist(PARS[,2],prob=T,col=4,main="Omega2") mBeta = apply(BETAS[500:1000,],2,mean) q5Beta = apply(BETAS[500:1000,],2,quant05) q95Beta = apply(BETAS[500:1000,],2,quant95) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ts.plot(mBeta,col=4,lwd=2) abline(h=M0$coef[1],col=2,lwd=2) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) ts.plot(mBeta,col=4,lwd=1,ylim=range(q5Beta,q95Beta)) abline(h=M0$coef[1],col=2,lwd=2) lines(q5Beta,col=2,lty=2) lines(q95Beta,col=2,lty=2)